Thursday, March 7, 2013

And Then There Were 4...

Ppost transferred from my old site. Originally posted on 12/25/2012)

Yes, the rumors are true, our family will be expanding by one small person. We are excited that we will have the privilege of adding a little boy to our mix toward the end of May 2013! (or at least the docs tell us, two conferred on this subject, that they are 99.9% sure it is a boy)

Here is his first portrait...

No, we don't have a name picked out yet, so stop asking! We are, however, taking suggestions and would love to hear your thoughts on both first and middle names (last names will be Garate Adams, in that order). We are also debating just throwing all of the suggestions in to a fish bowl and drawing the winning name at the moment of his birth (wouldn't that go over wonderfully later on in life when we have to tell him how he got the name The Hulkmeister Rudolpf Garate Adams, or something of a similar nature).

I spent from September to late November bemoaning how many illnesses were coming in to our home from K's daycare. And how was it that I was getting sick but my husband was the lucky one who stayed healthy (I suppose that is a relative statement considering that since he was the healthy one he spent his time taking care of the sick women in his life). Well, now we know why!

Oh, and yes, you read that correctly. We did not know that we were pregnant until week 15 (way to go mom and dad!). We were so far along when we found out that they were able to sex our child on his first ultrasound (HA!).
So, I am now 18 weeks pregnant and the little monster is growing like he's going to be a football player (of the U.S. variety, not the international one), although considering my husband and I are about the same size, the odds of this happening are truly against him .

This pregnancy has been a bit tougher than the first for a few reasons...
  1. K is in daycare and I was literally sick with some sort of cold, stomach flu, or parasite every two weeks for the first 4 months of my pregnancy. When I was pregnant with K there were no additional toddler germs to be found, so I stayed relatively healthy.
  2. My heartburn has carried on longer with him that it did with her and is wreaking havoc on my body, especially since I am craving, and giving in to the desire for, spicy foods. *TUM TUM TUM TUM TUUUUUMS* ( also really want ceviche, of the spicy Peruvian nature, of course... raw fish is fine during pregnancy, right?)
  3. I'm experiencing more "growing pains" with him that I did with K. I am crampier and can feel my round ligaments growing more often than I did in my first pregnancy. Again, not sure why (I should check with my doc when I'm back in Ecuador), but am wondering if it has to do with the fact that I had a c-section with K so my uterus is holding a grudge...
  4. I am getting bigger faster and carrying differently. Here's the proof...

17 weeks with baby #1
17 weeks pregnant with #2
My stomach is this strange egg shape this time. Not sure if it's because my body has done this before and is adjusting accordingly, because it's a boy, or because I just turned 30 (JUST KIDDING).

But overall, I have to say that if I could totally be oblivious to the fact that I was pregnant for my first 4 months that I've got it made (just like I did with K).

When I get back to Ecuador we will be exploring our birthing options. Speaking with doctors about VBAC versus repeat c-section options. We are satisfied with our decision to educate ourselves as fully as possible on our options and come to a decision that is best for our baby, our family, and me. I know many of you will be very opinionated on this topic, but our family will make the choice that is best for us utilizing the medical resources we have where we live.

I will keep updates coming as the little man grows and from our growing family to yours, happy holidays!

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