Friday, June 14, 2013

Postpartum recovery - one month in

Let me tell you something, after baby #2 (and I'm assuming consequent babies as well), your body goes in to full rebellion mode.

"HECK NO!" it says. "There is NO way I'm letting you off easily this time! After what YOU put ME through? You're not springing back like you did the first time 'round!"

And so it goes.

Baby #2 takes a toll on your body.

I am no exception to the rule.

Immediately postpartum
One month postpartum
I HAVE NO ABS! I mean literally, I have no muscles in my abdomen whatsoever!

With multiple abdominal surgical procedures during this pregnancy, the later half of this month has found me struggling to do more advanced daily routine items such as picking up my growing toddler and carrying her, heavy house work, walking for extended periods (I mean, I'm talking 1 mile max), etc.

So, today I purchased something I never thought I would. I bought a postpartum abdominal wrap.

I remember after Kesha was born I would "poo poo" these items. The women here in Cuenca swear by them to bring your hips back in to place and flatten your stomach. After Kesh's birth they were all trying to convince me it was the way to go. But when I was back to my normal shape and weight within two weeks of her birth I blew them off.

This time around we're one month out. I'm uncomfortable from being cut open (and apart). My baby belly is still in existence (some asked me if I was pregnant... nice), and I'm still 15 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight (and those pounds are not going anywhere soon). But the final push for me was reading this article about the benefits of postpartum wrapping, which go far beyond just one's physical appearance.

So, I'm convinced and the belly wrap goes on!
(For those who are interested I bought my wrap at Fybeca in Cuenca for about $36. They had a post surgical band, but I opted for the postpartum band as it was wider and cut for the female body's curves.)

Seeing how the wrap works... I think it needs to be a bit tighter
Another picture, because we need to have multiple views of the wrap...

I will be given permission to participate in physical activity in about 2 weeks, so hopefully I'll start getting my body back to the me that I know and love. I think that will make me a better mom, a better wife, and mostly importantly a happier and healthier person.

So, here goes nothin'. I'll let you know how it goes.

If you have experience with postpartum wrap use I'd love to hear about it.

1 comment:

  1. I used a wrap after G. Like you, I struggled to regain my natural silhouette and wondered if I was doomed to look 4 months pregn as not forever. G was 10lbs and my tummy was not letting me forget that. I held onto 10lbs of pregnancy weight for about 5 months, but with nursing, walking, clean eating and time, I lost it (and an extra 5) as and the belly wrapping helped me build my core muscles and flatten my tummy again. My body will never be what it was before both kids, but I am comfortable in it now and have learned that regular abdominal exercises must remain a part of my day if I want to keep my Timmy from falling forward. Good luck. You look great.
